Basic Concepts of Transactional Analysis Approach
analysis approach has the basic assumption that the communication behavior of a
person affected by ego state is chosen, every act of communication is seen as a
transaction in which it also involves the ego state as well as experiences of
childhood, everyone tended to choose one of four possible positions
hidup.Pendekatan this can be used in individual or group settings involving
contract developed by the counselee that clearly specify the purpose and
direction of the process terapi.Selanjutnya this approach focuses on decisions
made by the client at the beginning and it stresses the cognitive, rational
and behavior of the personality and beriorentasi on raising awareness so that
the counselee can make new decisions and change the direction of his life.
important concepts in transactional analysis approaches are:
1. Injungsi
(Injunction) and the initial decisions (Early Decision)
1986, p 93) said Injunctoin is the message conveyed to the child by the
parent's internal child out of parental pain conditions such as anxiety, anger,
frustration and this ketidakbahagiaan.Pesan tell or ask the child to do what
they have to do verbally and behavior, but often this message is formed through
the conduct orangtua.Sebagai a child who needs recognition and stroke of
parents to make decisions early, so that the messages received by the parents
anak.Goulding and Goulding (1978.1979 Pg 94) suggests ordinary injunction
happens and some possible decisions made to respond to the injunction, which
a) Do not do
anything (do not do anything)
given by parents who fear. Injuncition tell kids not to do normal activities
for fear of an accident that might terjadi.Bentuk injuctionnya message is 'do
not do anything dangerous because later' children receiving Injuncition will
believe that nothing he did right or safe and usually seek help others to
protect and make decisions for them (De Blot, 2002, p.104; Corey, 1986, p.153)
a decision
that may be taken "I am afraid of making mistakes in taking a decision, I
do not want to take a decision" (corey, 1986, p.153)
b) Dont't be
(do not exist)
that are most dangerous (letbal) .Pesan given nonverbally through parents'
belief about how children can be mereka.Pesan parents "do not live and I
wish you had never been born so I do not have to leave everything I had"
Children who receive messages These do not exist to be drafting the living who
wishes to commit suicide, inferior, useless, worthless, brutal and uncaring
attitude (De Blot, 2002, p.95-96; Corey, 1986, p.153)
A decision
that may be taken I will do what you want and pretend I do not exist in this
family "
Parents who
give this message to their children due to the possibility of parents feel
harmed or threatened his children because there was another child inside
anaknya.Pesan be delivered by mothers who have had many children, but suddenly
pregnant lagi.Dalam heart he refused her pregnancy. although rationally with
her adult ego state he received her well, however subtly it conveys the
message "how come you to be born"
c) Do not be
close (not close)
This message
can be given by parents who can not physically close or who deprive their
children so that the children do not get the physical intimacy of orangtua.Anak
that lacks the intimacy of parents would keep away from her parents and this
item to another person barakibat unpleasent child develops a cold, always
suspicious of others, do not trust others and hard terhdap parents and saw that
he rejected others (De Blot, 2002, p.108-109 decision may be taken "I
would not be close to other people, so I would not hurt"
d) Do not be
important (not an important person)
injunction message is a message oragtua are unknowingly wasting anaknya.Anak
may feel unappreciated when they speak so they decide that they want and need
(De Blot, 2002, p.105; Corey, 1986, p.154) .The that bring surviving manuscript
containing the message of this injunction into a panic when given
responsibility as a leader, unable to speak before the banyak.Dalam work,
usually they do not want a promotion, but it works well and diligently as
bawahan.Bila there is a chance to be the one who have a greater responsibility,
he will always find reasons for this menolaknya.Orang also not breathing can
fight for its own interests either accept defeat. (De Blot, 2002, p.105)
may be taken "I never feel worthy."
e) Do not be
a child (do not like small children)
This message
is normally received by the eldest son because he must be responsible and take
care of my brothers and saudaranya.Ketika this child grows, he might find it
difficult to enjoy the fun and be kids (Corey, 1986, p.154) .Implikasi this
message in individuals seen as being a parent, she did not allow her to develop
childnya by continuously sending a message: "do not like little
children" (De Blot, 2002, p.99-100)
may be taken "I'll always be an adult and should not act like
f) Do not
grow (not so great)
This message
is normally received by the child in the form of serial bungsu.Pesan parent
message that includes "do not grow up and leave me" This message
brought to parents because they want to keep their children remain small and
require a parent or parents are afraid that they can not control their children
when they grow up.
which might be "I will remain so small and helpless child so I would
always get a gift from my parents" (Corey, 1989, p.154)
g) Do not
succeed or do not make it (do not work)
This message
is usually conveyed by the usual parent-child criticizing anaknya.Pesan
delivered can be: "You can not do this" Children who receive this
message gets strokes to fail (Corey, 1986, p.154) .For example, father born of
a family of poor workers and did not get to school because they have to help find
her nafkah.Ketika reached the college level, he was proud to see his son
succeed but childnya jealous because children are more clever than himself (De
Blot, 2002, p.103)
probably taken "no matter how good I am, I do not feel good enough
h) Do not be
you (do so)
This message
was delivered by parents who want to have children with different sex with a
child born or who have too high expectations for children them.This looks from
parents who often compare -Compare with other children in the form of physical
may be taken "I'll pretend to be a woman / man" (Corey, 1986, p.154)
i) Do not be
sane and do not be well
resulted in a child with a little of his professors think that to get the
attention of parents should sakit..Ketika mencampai adults, when children have
difficulty in life, he will fall ill so that it gets the attention as
diharapkan.Disamping it, too, children learn that sick will solve the problem,
so that each has an issue or a change in life, he will fall ill (De Blot, 2002,
j) Do not
belong (do not be the one we)
This message
mengindekasihkan that the family was not part of the community or a particular
group (Corey, 1986, p.154) .Individu can feel strange because he had children
by parents who felt himself rigid so foreign, strange and not acceptable in the
environment or can be raised child by different families such as orphans (De
Blot, 2002, p.106-107).
taken "no one will like me because I am not part of any group"
k) Do not
think (do not think)
children ask about things that are not known, parents answered by saying
"do not think weird" This will close the road to think the child so
that he will not ask anything else (De Blot, 2002, p.103) Example Agus told his
father "my last pack kebengkel bring bikes because the tires deflated
continue" his father snapped "kok ga ask questions first? do not
sassy take their own initiative, Dad asked first if you want to do
l) Do not
feel (do not feel)
People who
can not express the feelings / unloaded can be caused due to the shy, or not
accustomed to express his feelings to others and can not talk about his
feelings sendiri.Pada certain cultures men are prohibited show sadness and
crying in public, and women were banned from showing affection umum.Aturan
front -aturan injuction this to be a message from a parent keanak (De Blot,
2002, p.104)
2. Strokes
Strokes are
a form of recognition .Can be physical touch / sombolik like eyes, kat-words,
body language and verbalization (Thomas et al, 2004, p.276)
Strokes are an important part in the development of psychological conditions
sehat.membentuk expressions of affection and appreciation negative .Sedangkan
hinder the development of the individual.
3. Naska Life
According to
Berne, surviving manuscript is the story of life that compiled during his own
kecilnya.Dia compose the play of his life not environmental influences,
parents, or others who live berpengaruh.Naska prepared on the basis of its
determination sendiri.Karena that children raised in an environment and
circumstances together with other children can sort different life script (De
Blot, 2002, p.107)
formation is influenced Injunction, Stroke and Hunger.
4. The concept of Ego
There are
three types of Ego state that inherently exist in every individual that is ego
state parent ego state of children and adult ego state.
a. Parent
ego state
There are
two types of ego state parent
· Parents
who guide the empathetic and understanding, sensitive to the feelings and needs
of others, as well as assess and limit of right and wrong firm
· Mengkritik.Hal
parents who tend to criticize and patronize .Nada high voice and keras.Sering
say "No" do not "usually kalaubicara pointing (Thompson et al,
2004, p.109; Corey, 1986, p.109)
b. Ego State
of logical thinking based on objective facts to make decisions, reason,
unemotional and is rasional.Kata words that appear neutral, diplomatic, clear
and not rush gesa.Ekspresi calm face and tone of voice flat (Thompson, et. al.,
2004, P110; Corey.1986, P110).
c. Ego State
There are
three types of child ego state that is
· Kids are
natural (spontaneous expressing his desire good sense and positive / negative
· Professor
small is showing kebijaksanaan.Ciri-character is egocentric, manipulative and
· Children
who adjust diri.Melakukan adjustment are parent ego state that people play
lain.Jenis child ego state that adjusting is an obedient child and the child
5. Life position
The position
is a starting point of each individual activity, any use of the time, the game,
making a plan and reactions to planning is informed by basic positions (De
Blot, 2002, p.112) .Keyakinan-belief is called the position that life consists
of 4
1) I'm Ok,
You're Ok
position is referred to as the basis for surviving manuscript winner and has
the potential to develop mental and healthy and able to resolve the problem with
konstruktif.Individu have OK-OK system determines menyenagkan others and he
also liked others (Thompson et al, 2004, p .113; De Blot, 2002, p.113; James
& Jongeward, 1996, p.113)
2) I, m Ok,
You're not Ok
position is held by individuals who feel victimized or abused good.They blame
others for the problems they alami.Contonya by crooks and criminals. (Thompson
et al, 2004, p.113; De Blot, 2002 p.113; james & Jongeward, 1996, p.113)
3) I, m not
Ok, Ok Your'r
position is usually owned by individuals who feel powerless dibandigkan
lain.Posisi people this may lead to more extreme depression and suicide
Thompson, et al, 2004, p.113; De Blot, 2002, p.113; james & Jongeward,
1996, p.113)
4) I'm not
OK, you're not OK
position is the most powerful basis for drafting the life loser (loser script).
In situations not OK-not OK is the loser by his Child. The whole world is not
good and does not mean a good life for themselves and for others. Individuals
feel unattractive, does not deserve mercy and parents do not pay attention
because they are just as bad. This position is usually owned by individuals who
have no desire to live, it can even lead to murder and suicide (Thompson et al,
2004, p.273-274; De Blot, 2002, P. 68; James & jongeward, 1996 , p.36).
6. Decision Making
Birthday (Redecisions)
Gouldings (1978, 1979) In the decision-making process (redecision), counselees
are invited to come back a little backwards when they make their decision, then
formed ego state of children and facilitate the counselee to make a new
decision. With this activity, counselees are invited to come back a little
backwards emotionally and make new decisions emotionally and intellectually. For
example, a man struggling to change the original decision not want to live (as
a result of the message "do not be" received from parents), people
were invited to return to his childhood situation, re-experience the feeling at
that time and said on him (and to the symbolization of parents) that he wanted
to live, he is entitled to live even though his parents did not want birth. Thus
he made a new decision in her life for memberhantikan attitude and
self-destructive behavior (self destructive) and live fully for himself (Corey,
1998, p.157).
7. Games
Game is an
ongoing series of complementary ulterior transactions that lead to predictable
individual goals. Berne (1964) believes that the benefits of gaming is
stabilization function (Homeoststic). Homeostatic is the tendency of
individuals to maintain psychological balance by regulating the process
intrapcychic. Changes in life are not easily accepted by people automatically,
especially those that require strengthening and confirmation of prejudices,
values and vision and not many people can easily receive new information. Game
serves to maintain biological balance, the existential, psychological, social
area of internal and external (Thompson, et al., 2004, p.271). When individuals
engage in games that are designed to help him when he fell. Kids might organize
his life to sabotage the chance to enjoy success. Thus, games are an important
part in an individual interaction with others and the individual must
understand the games he played for a more authentic life (Corey, 1986, p.155).