Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Advantages and Disadvantages of Transactional Analysis Approach

Advantages and Disadvantages of Transactional Analysis Approach 


Advantages According to Gerald Corey:
1. Very useful and counselors can easily use. 

2. Challenging counselees to be more aware of their initial decision. 

3. Integration between the concept and practice of transactional analysis with a particular concept of gestalt therapy is useful because the counselor is free to use the procedures of other approaches. 
This chapter highlights the expansion of Berne approach by Mary and the late Robert Goulding (1979), the leader of the school redecisional TA. The Gouldings different from classical Bernian approach in several ways. They have combined TA with the principles and techniques of Gestalt therapy, family therapy, psychodrama, and behavioral therapy. Redecisional approach helps the group members experience their impasse, or the point where they feel trapped. They revive the context in which they made the earlier decision, some of which are not functional, and they make new decisions are functional. Redecisional This therapy aims to help people challenge themselves to find ways in which they perceive themselves in the role and victimlike to lead their lives by deciding for themselves how they will change. 

4. Contributing to multicultural counseling because counseling begins with a ban on associating personal problems with family problems and ban selfish
Weakness Gerald Corey, 1982: 398)
1. Many terminology or terms used in transactional analysis is quite confusing.
2. Emphasis on the structure of Transactional Analysis is a troubling aspect.
3. Concepts and procedures is viewed from the perspective of behavioral, can not be tested keilmiahannya.
4. Counselee can recognize all the objects but may not feel and appreciate aspects of themselves.

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