Friday, April 1, 2016

Personality A counselor

The personality of a counselor is the most important factor in counseling. As stated Perez, "the study's findings indicate that experience, theoretical orientation that is used is not the main determinant of the effectiveness of a therapist, but the counselor's personal qualities and not educators and pelatihannyasebagai criteria in the evaluation of its effectiveness."

Personality counselor is the fulcrum that serves as a balance between knowledge of the dynamics of behaviors and skills terapeutik.Ketika strong fulcrum, knowledge and skills to work in a balanced personality that affect positive behavioral change counseling. However, when the fulcrum is weak, ie if the counselor's personality was not much help, then penegetahuan and skills counselor will not be effectively used, or to be used in a way - a way to spoil. The quality of the counselor's personality, knowledge about the behavior and counseling skills, each - each shall be mutually menggantikan.Kepribadian good but with a lack of knowledge and skills is like a driver who was driving unsafe.

The belief that personality is the key influential counselor in the counseling relationship, counselors But the personality can not compensate for the lack of knowledge about the behavior and therapeutic skills. Personality qualities are not the same as the process of acquiring knowledge and skills perilku therapeutic. Developing personality qualities of fusion that occurs continuously between genetic, constitutional, environmental influences, and how - a unique way of integrating all of it so that it becomes a personal characteristic.
Education and training have more influence on the growth of quantitative rather than qualitative, or in other words, education and training is not much help people to Berembang be himself. In order to cultivate the professional counselor character heading for the assessed value tradition takes three continuous process, namely:

Extracting value - value character konselorprofesional needed.
Implementation of tradition values ​​into the learning process
Evaluation of Brand image: to the tradition of assessed value.

Characters grow and develop professional counselor is an effort to trip the academic culture where tradition turned into a guideline values ​​or a common guidance counseling within the academic community institution.

In his capacity as an educator, counselor role and function as an educator psychological (psychological educator / psychoeducator), with the knowledge and skills of psychological disposal to help individuals achieve higher levels of development tinggi.Peran represents a challenge to strengthen scientific purposes counselors and professional practice as a service that shows the uniqueness and significance of its own in the community (ABKIN, 2008).

The context of the counselor's task to be in the service area that aims to develop the potential and counselee's independence in decision making and choice to realize a productive life, prosperity, and welfare umum.Pelayanan matter is referred to guidance and counseling services (the game, number 27 in 2008).

In the concept of comprehensive guidance and counseling, the counselor will be presented to the individual who is undergoing a certain stage of development with development tasks that must be completed. Therefore, the role of counselor in the counseling and guidance activities not only help solve the problem students.

In addition the school counselor visits of the function and role through research Stinzi and Hutcheon (Aisha, 2006: 18) suggests that the role of school counselors according to the expectations of students are: (1) a source of career information or vacancies and careers work, (2) open for discussion personal problems-social, (3) is not an officer of the discipline (disiplinarian), but is open to consultation matters of discipline, (4) allow students to take their own decisions, (5) be a person who can be trusted by students, (6) provides oreintasi to new students, (7) encourage the creation of policies that open.

Among the competency counselor, the most important is the quality of personal counselor because the counselor as a person should be able to show their identity intact, precise, and meaningful and to build interpersonal relationships (interpersonal) a unique and harmonious, dynamic, persuasive and creative so that it becomes the driving force of success guidance and counseling services. In this case, Corey (1986: 358-361), stated "tool" that is most important to be used in the work of a counselor is himself as a person (our self as a person). On the part of his writing, he did not hesitate to say that "... the counselors should be experienced as counselee at some point, because of the introduction of self can meinaikkan level of consciousness (self-awareness)" counselor.

Brammer (1979: 4) describes the qualification as a school counselor own personal traits and personality sources like having the attention on others, responsible, empathy, sensitivity and sebagainnya. According Furqan (2001) found that counselors need to have at least three competencies, in addition to the need to support contextual and environmental conditions, namely personal competencies (personal competencies), core competencies (core competencies), and supporting competency (supporting competencies).

Personal competencies (personal competencies) refers to the personal qualities of the counselor with regard to the ability to establish a good relationship interpersonal (rapport) is healthy, work ethic and professional commitment, a foundation of ethics and moral behavior, drive and passion to develop themselves, as well as with regard to the ability of to perform troubleshooting.

Private counselors are 'instruments' that determines the presence of a positive outcome in the counseling process. This condition will be supported by the skills of the counselor realize the basic attitude in communicating with counselees. Harmonious integration of these two instruments (personal skills) will increase the chances of success counselor.

To be able to carry out the role and the creation of a unique professional guidance and counseling services effectively, as their profession demands, the counselor should have the quality of counseling pribadi.Keberhasilan more dependent on the personal qualities of a counselor than the precision engineering. Regarding this, Tyler (1969) states: "... success in counseling depend more upon the personal qualities than upon correct use of specified techniques". Personal counselor crucial supporting role is the personal effectiveness altuistis (of sacrifice) for the benefit of the counselee.

Brammer also recognize the importance of the agreement on the counselor's personal helper as tools that streamline the process of counseling, he said: "A general dictum helpers Among people says that if I want to Become more affective I must begun with my self; own personalities Thus Spake the principal tools of the helping process ... "(Brammer, 1979: 25).

Then Hobbs states that: "ideally as a counselor is to have a person can reflect his behavior in realizing capabilities in relation to help the counselee but also capable of realizing the world environment, would be aware of social issues political, and can be inventive broadly and is not limited in view of the professional" , Hanset, (Benjamin, 1995: 27).

As is the counselor's personal qualities are the criteria concerning all aspects of kepibadian importance and determine the effectiveness of the counselor if disbandingkan with education and training obtained (Willis, 2004: 79).

Allport (Blocher, 1974: 93-94) describes the personal nature of mature psychologically are as follows.

Has a wide enough awareness of self and others. That is has an affection, have a tendency healthy sex, aware of their own strengths, but also have the awareness to abide and respect for others.
Warm in a relationship with another individual. Mature individuals can create and maintain intimacy and love of others. Inter-personal relationships marked by empathy and compassion.
Volatile emotions. Emotional maturity comes from accepting himself, with the emotional maturity of a person can maintain a realistic view of the governance and oversight of the groove "signals" feeling.
Realistic in perception, skills and jobs. Mature individuals who can function efficiently in the area of ​​perception and cognition, in the sense of intellectual behavior that is realistic and accurate. In addition, it can focus its energy on work that fits with its development.
Realistic about yourself and insight. Mature individuals can understand him.
Having a unified approach on life. Each individual is mature able to devise some approaches unity for life, so memeberikan consistency and meaning to his behavior.

The counselor as a person should be able to show their identity intact secaran, precise, and meaningful and able to build interpersonal relationships (interpersonal) a unique and harmonious, dynamic, persuasive, and creative, so it becomes the motor of the success of guidance and counseling services. Corey (1986: 358-361) states that "tool" that is most important to be used in the work of a counselor is himself as a person (your self as a person). Even in other parts of his writings that he did not hesitate to say that: "... the counselors should be experienced as counselee at a time, since the introduction of self can raise the level of self-awareness (self awareness)".

Knowledge About Yourself

Knowledge of self (self knowledge) has the meaning that the counselor know better about himself, what to do, why do it, problems, and issues related to counseling clients. The importance of knowledge counselor about himself on the grounds, first, a counselor who knows himself well perceptions tend to know the client's self perception of being assisted. Secondly, skills counselor who used to understand her are the same skills to understand the client. Thus the greater ability you have, the greater the pulakemungkinan to understand klien.Ketiga, a counselor who has had keterampilanyang used to understand themselves allow counselors to teach the client. Fourth, self-knowledge allows the counselor to feel and communicate well with clients. Counselor high quality, the level of knowledge of oneself, showed the following characteristics:

Recognizing the need is. As a counselor, should know that they are aware of the need to be achieved, like to feel important, to feel dibutuhakan, has its advantages, control, power and firm.
Recognizing feelings. Feelings of hurt, fear, anger, guilt, love or sex, be part of the response as a counselor in the counseling. Conditions that feeling will have much effect on the situation of the counseling relationship. Therefore, counselors should be aware of and able to mngendalikannya for ongoing counseling.
Realizing what makes anxious during counseling, and how that should be done to reduce anxiety. In counseling frequent attacks against the counselor that can cause anxiety as questions related to knowledge, sexuality, morals, values ​​- the therapeutic value, etc. The counselor should be aware of the defense is to avoid the anxiety such as: passive or dominant; hoping clients will feel guilty and stop the attacks; change the topic; soon be non-directive and reflective; revile; blame, or scare.
Recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of self. Awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of self-help counselor in effecting the counseling relationship. With its advantages, the counselor can increase the authority and influence on clients, while awareness of the weaknesses encourage counselors to constantly improve themselves.

An obstacle that often occur in the realization of self-knowledge is the counselor to use the same defense carried out by the client in protecting themselves from the accuracy sees himself and his work.


Competence (competence) includes aspects of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral must-have counselors to help klien.Kompetensi is very important for the counselor, because clients come to the counseling to learn and develop the potential needed to achieve a more effective life and bahagia.Peranan a counselor is to teach all these competencies to klien.Oleh because it was so many competences of the counselor, the more likely the counselor can help clients either directly or indirectly in obtaining competency life.

It is contrasted with the friendly relationship counseling relationship is in the competence of the counselor. Effective counselors have a combination of academic knowledge competence, personal qualities and skills to help.

A counselor who is always trying to be more competent to have traits - traits: (a) on an ongoing basis constantly trying to improve the knowledge about the behavior and counseling among others, through readings, avoiding a conference or seminar, training, discussions with colleagues, (b) always looks for - looking for the experience - the experience of new life that can help improve the competencies and sharpen their skills, (c) always try to share ideas and approaches to counseling, (d) always makes the judgment every step of counseling to achieve the effectiveness of counseling. Increased competence of counselors are often hampered by the myth that the academic level and the amount of experience will automatically improve the quality of a being a counselor effective.

The performance of counselors is strongly influenced by the quality control of all four of the competency is based on the attitudes, values, and personal tendencies that support. Academic competence and professional counselors are integrated to build the integrity of pedagogical, personality, social, and professional.

Pedagogic competence

Rehabilitation counselors are required to have pedagogical, because rehabilitation counseling can not be done by breaking away from the sciences and pedagogical practices. Therefore rehabilitation counselor must have:

(1) mastery of the theory and practice of education, such as tenure (a) science education and scientific foundation, (b) the implementation of the principles of education and the learning process; and (c) cultural foundation in educational practice.

(2) The counselor rehabilitation must understand the rules of physiological development and psychological and behavioral counselee disabiliti, especially with regard to the rules: (a) human behavior in general, (b) physical and psychological development of individuals, (c) personality, (d ) individuality and difference counselee, (e) giftedness, (f) mental health and (g) learning for counselees disabiliti;

(3) rehabilitation counselor must master the essence of counseling services for the counselee disabiliti in the pathway, the type and level of education unit, either on the unit, formal education, non-formal and informal education as well as the units of primary, secondary and higher education.

Competence Personality

The counselor is a person who should be able to present themselves as educators, teachers, counselors, friends discussions, even the opponents argue when counselees showed a tendency to think that is irrational, is not congruent between thought and deed even possible when the counselee not show as individuals who are committed and responsible ,

Minister of National Education, through Ministerial Regulation Number 27 of 2008 detailing personal competence that must be possessed counselors, as follows: (1) Faith and fear of God Almighty, it contains: (a) to show personality who believe and fear of God Almighty, (b) be consistent in carrying religious life and tolerant of other religions, (c) noble and noble character; (2) Respect and uphold the values ​​of humanity, individuality and freedom, in which an ability counselors in: (a) applying a positive view and dynamic view of man as a spiritual being, moral, social, individual, and potentially, (b) respect and develop a positive potential of individuals in general and counselee in particular, (c) to care for human welfare in general and counselee in particular, (d) upholds the human dignity according to their human rights, (e) tolerant to the problems of counselees, (f ) to be democratic;

(3) Demonstrate integrity and stability of a strong personality, namely: (a) to show personality and behavior are commendable (as authoritative, honest, patient, kind, and consistent), (b) to show stable emotions, (c) sensitive, empathy, and respect diversity and change, (d) shows a higher tolerance for counselee deal with stress and frustration; (4) featuring high-quality performance, such as: (a) shows the actions of intelligent, creative, innovative, and productive, (b) passionate, disciplined, and self-contained, (c) attractive and fun, and (d) communicate effectively ,

Social competence

For a rehabilitation counselor, social competence is not only a basic ability to establish rapport with the help of the counselee, but for all the components that have relevance to the work of rehabilitation and counselee interests and the environment. This means that social competence is not only needed to build relationships help in making life plans counselee disabiliti but needed to develop a network in order to increase the effectiveness of its performance. Counselors who have good social competence will demonstrate ability: (1) internal collaboration in the workplace, with (a) understand the basis, purpose, organization, and the role of other parties in rehabilitation counseling; (B) communicate the grounds, objectives, and activities of rehabilitation counseling services to other parties, both in the workplace and the wider community; (C) in cooperation with the relevant parties in the implementation of rehabilitation counseling (such as educators, parents, doctors, psychologists, rokhaniawan, society, community organizations disabiliti and other professional organizations);

(2) Contribute to the organization and activities of professional guidance and counseling. In this aspect counselors are required to: (a) understand the basics, objectives, statutes and by-laws atangga professional organizations guidance and counseling for self-development and the profession, (b) comply with the code of ethics of guidance and counseling, (c) active in professional organizations guidance and counseling for self and professional development; (3) collaborate with other professions, namely: (a) communicate the aspects of professional guidance and counseling to other professional organizations, (b) understand the role of other professional organizations and use it for the success of guidance and counseling services, (c) work in teams joint force paraprofessionals and professionals of other professions, and (d) implement referrals to other professional experts as appropriate.

Professional competence

Rehabilitation counseling is not just a technical job that requires mastery of techniques and skills in counseling, but as one frame workbagi personal development of individuals both counselee and counselor. How strong the foundation of philosophical meaning of human, grounding psychological an understanding of the uniqueness of human, social basis of culture that provides an understanding of the culture, values ​​and moral individual and the group, as well as the foundation of religion which gives human understanding of the faith and religious values ​​espoused will provide color and the effect is very clear in the objectives and results of counseling.

Professional competence includes in-depth understanding and appreciation of the philosophy of rehabilitation counselor profession or expertise in the field of rehabilitation counseling with regard to aspects of religious, social, cultural and psychological aspects. This competence should be a set of real behavior exhibited by a professional counselor in carrying out duties or professional work or expertise. Because of high and low quality of professional counselors will directly impact the high and the low recognition of the public and in return they will receive. In other words, a professional counselor will always maintain the quality of performance and the good name of his personal and professional (Suherman USA, 2006).

Good psychological health

Good psychological health will underpin the understanding of behaviors and skills and in turn will mengemabangkan a positive power in counseling. Characteristics of counselors who have good psychological health, among others: (a) achieve the satisfaction of needs such as safety, nurturing love, strength, sexual, and attention outside of the counseling relationship. (B) does not carry on past experience and personal problems outside counseling into counseling. (C) realize the point of irregularities and weaknesses that may help to know the situation regarding the masalahm (d) not only achieve the sustainability of life, but achieve a life in good shape ,

one of the obstacles that arise are counselors let fear and discontent over his personal life into one community samara in counseling.

Trustworthiness (Trustworthy)

Quality means that the counselor was not a threat or a cause of anxiety for klien.Kualitas trustworthy counselor is very important in counseling, for some reason, is as follows.

The essence of the purpose of counseling is to encourage clients to express her deepest problems. In this case, the client must feel that the counselor was able to understand and accept pouring her heart (confidante) with no rejection. If the client does not have confidence, then the frustration that was the result of counseling.
In counseling clients need to trust the character and motivation counselor. This means that the client believes that the counselors have the motivation to help.
If the client gets the acceptance and trust of the counselor, it will develop in him the attitude of confidence in himself.

The counselor who is believed likely to have the quality of attitude and behavior as follows.

Have a consistent personal
Can be trusted by others, both his words and his deeds
Never make the other person (the client) disappointed or upset
Responsible, able to respond to other people as a whole, not inkar appointments, and willing to assist in full.

Honesty (Honest)

What is meant here is that the counselor honest it must be true in appearance, be transparent (open), authentic, and genuine (genuine). Honest attitude is important in counseling, for the following reasons.

Openness allows the counselor and the client to establish a psychological connection that much closer to each other in the counseling process. Counselors are close or hide the parts himself against the client may preclude closer relations. The closeness of the relationship is very important psychological counseling, it could lead to direct and open relationship between counselor and client. In the event of closure of counseling can lead to impeding the development of the client.
Honesty allows the counselor can provide objective feedback to clients.

Counselors who honestly has the following characteristics.

Being congruent, meaning that the properties themselves are perceived by himself (real self) together congruent with perceived by others (public self).
Having a clear understanding of the meaning of honesty.

Strength (Strength)

The strength or the ability of the counselor is very important in counseling, because with it the client will feel safe. Clients look counselor as a person who (a) resilient in the face of the problem, (b) to encourage the client to resolve the problem, and (c) be able to cope with the needs and personal problems.

Counselors who have power tend to show the quality of the following attitudes and behavior.

Can make the time limit is appropriate in counseling.
be flexible
Have a clear identity.

Warmth (Be Warm)

What is meant to be warm it is: friendly, caring, and giving affection. Clients are coming to the aid counselor, generally less experienced warmth in his life, so he lost the ability to be friendly, attention, and affection. Through counseling, clients want to get a taste of the warm and do the "sharing" with konselor.Apabila it is obtained, then the client can experience a comfortable feeling.

actives responsiveness

Involvement of the counselor in the counseling process is dynamic, not passive. Through an active response, the counselor can communicate his attention to clients' needs. Here, counselors ask the right questions, provide useful feedback, provide useful information, put forward new ideas, discuss with the client on how to take the right decisions, and to share responsibility with the client in the counseling process.

Patience (Patience)

Through patience a counselor in the counseling process to help clients to develop itself naturally. Longanimity counselors showed more attention to themselves than hasilnya.Konselor patient clients tend to show the quality of the attitudes and behavior as follows.

Sensitivity (sensitivity)

These qualities mean that the counselor is aware of the existence of the hidden psychological dynamics or properties of irritability, either at the client's self or herself.

Clients who come to ask for help counselors are generally not aware of the actual problem they hadapi.Bahkan there who do not realize that he bermasalah.Pada themselves only visible symptoms (pseudo-problem), while actually covered by the behavior of their defenses. The counselor will be able to reveal sensitive or analyze what the real problem facing the client. Counselors sensitive quality following behavior.

Sensitive to the reaction itself
Knowing when, where, and how long to uncover the client's problem (probing)
Asking questions about the client's perception about his problems
Sensitive to the properties of irritable himself.

Holistic awareness (Holistic Consciousness)

A holistic approach in counseling means that the counselor understand the client as a whole and does not approach it serpihan.Namun so it does not mean that the counselor as an expert in all things, here shows that counselors need to understand the various dimensions pose a problem client, and understand how the dimensions of the give effect to the other dimensions. These dimensions include: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, sexual, and moral-spiritual.

Counselors who have a holistic awareness tend to display characteristics as barikut.

Recognizing accurately about the dimensions of a complex personality
Finding a way of giving proper consultation and consideration of the need for referral (referral)
Familiar and open to different theories.


In the latest developments, in addition to the characteristics as has been noted, the expert said that wisdom is a quality of personality that counselors efektif.Beberapa figures J.Hanna Fred, Fred Bemak, dll.Hanna and Ottnes stated that the quality of human beings, including wisdom is the description of an effective counselor, as opponents of counselors who are less efektif.Pengertian wisdom itself, which can be defined as a set of specific cognitive and affective that are directly related to the ownership and development of life skills and understanding necessary for the good life, the fulfillment of effective adjustment, and insight to the nature self, others, the environment and inter-personal interactions. Baltes and Smith (1990) defines wisdom as 'expert knowledge' in 'paradigm of life fundamental' and involves 'insight into the special into human development and problem - a matter of life' as is 'privilege scales good' in the context of life planning, insights life, and management of living '. Arlin (1990) reported that the application of knowledge in problem solving as a skill to identify the correct problem solving within the framework of a perfect, thus solving the problem did not give rise to more problems.

Simple evaluation can be referenced from the solar opinion (2003) that the quality of professionalism dirunjuk by five performance as follows:

The desire to always display the ideal standard of behavior based on these criteria is clear that the counselors who have high professionalism will always strive to realize themselves according to ideal standards. He will identify itself to the figure considered ideal standard discount.
Improve and maintain the image of the profession. High level of professionalism shown by the enormous desire to always improve and maintain the image of the profession through the realization of professional conduct. This embodiment is done through various ways such as appearance, speech, use of language, posture, attitude of daily life - today, interpersonal relationships and so on.
The pursuit of quality and ideals - ideals in the profession. High professionalism shown by the effort untukl always achieve quality and ideals - ideals in the profession.

The purpose of guidance is for students to:

Plan the completion of the study, the development of his career and life in the future.
Developing the full potential and power that learners optimally.
Adjusting to the educational environment, the environmental community and the work environment.
Overcome obstacles and difficulties encountered in the study, adjustments to the education environment, society, and the work environment.

To achieve these goals, they should have the opportunity to:

Knowing and understanding the potential, strength, and development tasks.
Knowing and understanding the potential or opportunities that exist in the environment,
Identify and define his goals and plans as well as plan achievement of these goals
Understanding and overcoming the difficulties of its own.
Using its ability to self-interest, the interest of the institution where the work and the community.
Adjust to the situation and the demands of the environment.
Developing potential and its strengths optimally.

In realizing the whole person, BK concerned about the development of reasoning ability that Motekar or creative to live properly.
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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Time Management

Introduction of On Time

Time is something that we can not grasp or we feel its presence , just like love , we can not touch or we touch but can we rasakanakibatnya in our lives.
Time is something that has absolute law and can not bargain anymore , because time does not belong to man but belong to the creator .
Time is something that dibertikan god to us so that we can use it well and we manage it wisely because it is very limited .

The following how time management :

A. Determine the purpose of life
This objective relates to what you believe as things that must be achieved in your life . In other words , if the mission was a big goal of your life , then the goal is merrupakan small targets at once apparent to you .

Objectives should have the following five characteristics :

1. Specific (specific , clear, unambiguous )

2. Measurable (measurable )

3. Achievable ( attainable , in capacity )

4. Realistic ( no float - Ngawang )

5. Time -bound ( no target time )

B. Write Destinations

Many people have a lot of interest, but when asked what the heck goals never came into her head, then they say: "do not know", or "forgotten". If it were so the purpose is no longer in accordance with intrinsically binding, but merely wishful thinking fast drift.

therefore write down your goals. Because the purpose of writing can be made as a control tool so that you avoid aimless activities that often undermine your valuable time.

C. Priorities Set Your Goals

Make a priority order with reference to the following order:

1. Important and Urgent

2. It is important but not urgent

3. Not important but urgent

4. Not important and not urgent

D. Six Important Field of Life

Life is not just to work and earn money. Life does not just spend days at home with family. Moreover, life is not all play. in fact there are six important areas of life, namely:

1. Spiritual

Prayer, pray, go to church, do social work on a regular basis is part of spiritual activity. For things like this is the time management are essential. There are three rules that can be applied to set the time in the spiritual field, namely:

a. Must be a priority

Make sure that you counts the number one priority for this case. Before creating a schedule for other activities, you must first create a schedule for spiritual activities. let another schedule to follow.

b. special time

There should be a special time for your spiritual activities. When should to a place of worship, so go to a place of worship. do not actually do the rest. spiritual problem involves a commitment.

c. Do not damage other activities

Although a priority, does not mean the schedule for spiritual activities damaging to schedule other activities. Not a good move if you actually read the scriptures in the middle of busy work so neglect the grace period (deadline) that have been defined.

2. Health

If you steady spiritually, then you also will look at other fields correctly, especially about health. Health is the most precious treasure. The sick people can not do much. Therefore there should be a special time for health anda.Olahraga regularly and eating a healthy diet is highly recommended. Health is also a lot to do with the mind and psyche (psychosomatic). That means always thinking only things that are right and positive.

The first thing is olahraga.Disesuaikan with your busy schedule, you should spend some time at least 15 minutes to do plahraga light. It was the most minimal.

3. Family

Time for the family should occupy an important portion. Although it remains to be balanced with other areas of life, but the family should receive top priority. You can lose your job but it does not sebanfing with the loss of family.

There are several schedules for a family is absolutely crucial, namely:

a. Time gather together

When having breakfast or dinner, the family should gather together. when it could be used to communicate and strengthen relationships.

b. Time outing

Every weekend, or at least once a year, there should be outings with the whole family. Sightseeing is always pleasant and certainly familiarizing all relationships.

c. Special time husband and wife

Husbands and wives need to spend some special time together. Not just at night on a regular day, but better on a certain day without interruption others.

d. Special time parents and children

Whether it's homework for a child, or a serious talk with them, parents should spend some special time with her children. At that time educational value investment can take place.


4. finasial

Money is important, but we must be careful not to get stuck into mammonisme, namely a anggapa that money is the most important in life that encourages us to ignore other aspects. And now a lot of people glorifying money and already sepert idols. Precautions against the idolatry of money does not mean an anti-money attitude. It does not make sense to go back to the days of barter when the goods exchanged for goods and do not need the money in our lives as though no money everything is fine. The right attitude is to take the middle path. lest we become slaves of money and lose it all just for the money. Better, make money our friends to achieve noble goals.

5. Work

As the changing times, more diverse and complex job. Work is now associated with the ability of Intellectual (thinking) and professionalism (attitudes and values). This means that there are elements of technical and non-technical elements. Technical elements related to the expertise that can be obtained by studying, whereas non-technical element is the attitude, work ethic must be based on the values ​​of one's life.

For technical, the key word is learned. No longer just a term studying in school and after that you are working alone. While it works, you still have to learn and keep learning.

On the non-technical side, again we have to look at aspects of the spirituality of pekrjaan. Work is not just about doing something and then get paid. Works that brings satisfaction, both for myself and others. Therefore, there should be a special time to continue to improve (update) your membership at any time.

6. Social

Humans are essentially social beings who can not live alone without help from others. Look around it will show there are people a lot of friends but there is also ostensibly not have any friend of a friend. It's all about choice. one uses a lot wkatu to know new people, make friends, and keeping in touch with other people, while the other tends to be closed and preoccupied with oneself.

Remember, social relationships are flexible and can not be timely. You had to be strict about this time because everything has to be balanced with more field time. Because it is necessary to develop techniques and tactics are clean so that we can avoid the trap of the association that is a waste of time. Social life is important but it's not the only part of your life.

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